How Often Do You Need to Calibrate Your Torque Wrenches?

How Often Do You Need to Calibrate Your Torque Wrenches?

November 12, 2021

When it comes to professional tools, torque wrenches are the tools of many trades. Anybody who uses them routinely knows that general usage wears their grade over time. Ergo, calibration is the invariable foundation of quality—and the fundamental principle for reliability in the mechanical world.

You’ve surely heard this question before: how often do you need to calibrate your torque wrenches? Let’s dive deeper into this query to help you keep your tools in tip-top shape. Here’s what you should know about calibration intervals.

Accuracy Requirements for Performance Standards

Within the lifespan of a traditional torque wrench, falling out of calibration is inevitable. Torque wrench accuracy specifications range from brand to brand. Even if you own or rent a high-quality wrench, the accuracy dwindles after periods of time. Remember, as a specialty tool, this type of wrench requires specialty care to establish a solid performance history.

The main objective of calibration is to provide reliable torque values upon application each time. This torque wrench calibration needs to comply with industry standards. Optimal tool performance boosts efficiency and better ensures equipment and employee safety.

Standards of Care: Calibration Frequency

Calibration is a task that verifies the right torque output to fasten and tighten nuts and bolts. Non-calibrated wrenches can incorrectly apply torque pressure, leading to over-tightened or loosened fasteners. Standardizing a calibration error of five percent or less is key to avoid breakage or deformation upon application.

So, how often do you need to calibrate your torque wrenches? The challenging facet of calibration is that the best practice is not one-size-fits-all. A commonplace fallback is calendar-based calibrations which get done every six to 12 months. Industry guidelines speculate re-calibrating every 2,500-5,000 repetitions or so. This general rule of thumb applies to your tools, but there are other key factors you must consider.

Key Points To Consider

Whenever you calculate when to recalibrate, be aware of the following points: model and manufacturer, tool treatment and current condition, environmental conditions, and the criticalness of operations. Any frequent torque wrench users should follow the concept that more usage equals more frequent calibration. You may have mandates within your specific industry about calibration frequency. At the end of the day, use your best judgment. A high-quality tool is a cornerstone for quality when reputation in the industry matters most.

Are you currently searching for reliability with an up-to-date high torque hydraulic wrench? SEC Industrial is a proud supplier of a selection of torque wrenches and multipliers, such as the TorsionX or Rad product lines. We’ve got all your bolting needs covered with the highest accuracy tools on the market. Request a quote today or reach out to SEC with any questions.

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